Debra Burroughs - Paradise Valley 02.5 - The Edge of Lies Page 6
What Evan feared most had come true—somebody knew his real identity and where he was. Now that he had been found, was he ever going to be safe? Was Emily?
Maybe the bullet hit an artery or a vital organ, and the man would bleed out. Evan could only hope.
Too many minutes had ticked away since the first shot was fired. Evan had to get out of that office building before the police showed up. Surely, someone in this small town had called them.
He ran back to his office, looking down at the Beretta in his hand. Maybe there was a way to discover who the shooter was from the gun. He quickly locked it in a drawer, then he slipped out the back door of the building and hopped in his car.
Unknown to his wife, Evan had a secret, secure place where he kept items from his past life hidden away. Tomorrow, he would add that gun to the other things. As long as he stayed alive, Emily would never have to know.
It was at that moment that Evan knew he must keep a written account of everything he could. He decided to place it separate from the other items. He couldn’t chance someone finding everything all together. Emily was a bright and tenaciously curious woman—she would find everything someday, if he didn’t make it.
Evan slapped his hand to his forehead. “Oh, God. Emily!”
What if the shooter knew where they lived? Isabel and the girls were with her, but they’d be leaving soon. He floored the gas pedal and sped home. He had to make sure she was safe. If something happened—again—he could never forgive himself.
Chapter 9
Keeping an eye out for both police cars and anyone tailing him, Evan raced through Paradise Valley, intent on getting home to Emily before something happened to her. He had feared everything would eventually come crashing down around him one day, but he never thought it would happen so soon. What would he do now that this guy was out there somewhere? How would they go about regular life? He couldn’t just ask Emily to pick up and move again. He could never justify that without telling her.
As he drove, his mind filled with thoughts of Emily. She was the kind of woman any man would be lucky to marry. She deserved better than him, he knew, she deserved to be the wife of an honest, respectable man.
Instead, he’d selfishly charmed her into falling in love with him, because once he’d met her, he knew he couldn’t live without her.
He could never come clean with her about the things he’d done—the blood that stained his hands—but he could make sure if anything ever happened to him, she would always be taken care of. That was the least he could do for her.
When Evan pulled into the driveway, the girls were just leaving. He had no choice but to plaster a smile on his face, greet them, and let Emily make introductions. Relieved she was all right, he wanted to get her back inside the house.
“Good-bye!” Emily called out, waving and smiling, as she stood beside Evan on the porch.
Evan was grateful she couldn’t hear his heart pounding, his pulse racing, as his gaze darted up and down the street.
When the women’s cars pulled away, he ushered Emily inside, working to appear calm. Pausing in the entry, he pulled her into his arms. “Sounds like you had a good time tonight.”
“I did. I know I didn’t want to move, but I really feel at home here now. Settled, you know. Those three women, they may all be completely different, but I get the feeling we’re going to be friends a long, long time.” She grinned up at him and gave him a quick kiss. “But it’s nice to have you home.”
She gazed deeply into his eyes and he wondered if she could see through them, right into his soul. He hugged her tight, knowing he loved her more than anyone else he’d ever known. Her happiness, her safety, it had to come first. She trusted him and he could never let her down.
“Are you okay?” she asked.
He loosened his grip and took a deep breath, not wanting to alarm her. “Yeah, I’m just beat, love. Let’s go to bed early.”
They lay in bed, interlaced in each other’s arms, basking in the afterglow of having made love. Her head rested on his chest and her hair smelled like strawberries. He breathed it in, as the sweet taste of her kisses lingered on his lips.
Before long, her breathing became soft and rhythmic, telling him she had fallen asleep, but restful slumber eluded him. He remained staring at the ceiling, considering what had happened to him that evening. What could he do to make sure she was taken care of if he did not survive another attack? He knew another assault would come—it was only a matter of when, and how.
Gingerly, he untangled himself from Emily and slid out of bed. He slipped his robe on as he tiptoed out of the room.
Evan drew a glass of water from the kitchen faucet and stood looking out the window over the sink as he drank it, wondering what to do. Keeping the woman he loved safe was now his prime objective.
He pulled an empty leather-covered notebook, as well as a sheet of stationary, from one of the drawers, then he plucked a pen out too. Tugging a chair quietly away from the table, he settled in and began with writing a letter to her, a letter he would place with the hidden items—one he hoped she’d never have to read.
After he had signed the letter, he opened the notebook. The words came quickly, pouring out of him, line after line. He told her things he did not want her to know while he was alive, for fear it would forever change their relationship. But if he died, she deserved to know the truth.
Tears formed in his eyes as he wrote. He wiped his sleeve across them. He couldn’t remember the last time he’d cried—probably when Natalia was killed.
Evan’s love for Emily was so deep—he would do anything to protect her, including laying down his own life, if that’s what it took. He hoped to be around to raise the children they wanted to have, but if he couldn’t, at least he knew she’d be taken care of.
He would need to make sure to leave her a clue to his hidden place and find a good spot to secure his journal, but he’d deal with that in the morning.
He hid the notebook in his briefcase and began folding the note in quarters just as his phone started to ring on the counter. With the note in one hand, he lunged to answer it with the other, hoping the noise hadn’t awakened Emily. He grabbed the phone and walked out onto the deck.
Emily bolted upright in the bed as her own phone rang, startling her and causing the journal to fall to the floor. As she instinctively reached out to catch it, her hand grazed the handle of her teacup, sending it crashing down on top of the notebook.
With her heart racing and her palms suddenly sweating, she chose to ignore the call coming in. Whoever it was, it couldn’t be more important than what she was learning tonight. She leapt from the bed and ran to the bathroom to get a towel before the tea soaked into the carpet.
As she knelt down, dabbing at the tea-stained pages of the notebook, her heart drifted back to the ringing phone on the night to which Evan had referred. The phone had awakened her that night and, as caught up as she was in Evan’s world right now, she could vividly recall the experience.
Out of a light sleep, Emily woke to the sound of a phone ringing. She stretched out her hand, but Evan’s side of the bed was cold and empty. She threw on her satin robe and wandered through the house looking for him.
The kitchen light was on, but he wasn’t there. Her head turned as she heard his voice coming from outside on the deck. She opened the back door and stood in the doorway, listening.
“I told you—I’m out. I’m not doing that anymore,” Evan said. He hung up and turned to go back inside, abruptly stopping at the sight of his wife standing there.
“Who was that?” she asked. The part of the conversation she’d overheard was unsettling. What was he not doing anymore?
“Just somebody I used to work with, wanting me to do a job. Nothing you need to worry about, love.”
“What’s that in your hand?”
“This?” Evan raised the paper and glanced down at it. “Just some junk mail. I�
��ll stick it in the trash. Let’s go inside.”
She did as he asked, and he followed her in.
Standing in the middle of the kitchen, he gathered her up in his arms and stared deeply into her eyes. His gaze drifted over her face, as if he was studying her features. He kissed her and his lips were soft and warm. “I love you, Emily.”
“I love you too, but—”
His lips were on hers again.
“Always remember that I love you more than anything. There is nothing I wouldn’t do for you,” he said.
“You’re scaring me, Evan.”
“Don’t be scared, love. Just trust me.”
“Trust,” Emily repeated as she picked up the soggy notebook to blot the tea from the carpet. “That’s really a matter of perspective, isn’t it?”
Back then her perspective had been that of a naïve, newlywed bride, hopelessly in love with a charming man of the world. She would have believed him if he had told her the moon was made of cheese. But now, now she knew better.
Looking at the notebook in her hand, the tea had dissolved the ink into a blurry bruise-colored mess. The remainder of the journal appeared to be unreadable—she might never know the rest.
Emily let the notebook fall from her fingers and she sat back on her bent legs. Was it better knowing only part of the truth or would she have been better off not knowing anything at all?
Emotionally exhausted, with her mind and heart having been run through the wringer, sleep was what she craved. She climbed in bed and gathered the comforter around her as she snuggled against her pillows.
One thing she knew for certain—deep in her heart of hearts—was that Evan loved her. Beyond that, after having read part of his journal, she wasn’t sure what else was to be believed.
Her dad used to tell her that no matter how troubling things appeared to be at night, they always looked better in the morning. She sure hoped he was right.
I hope you were as excited and entertained reading The Edge of Lies as I was when writing it. If you did enjoy the romance and suspense of The Edge of Lies, I would like to ask you a favor to go back to Amazon and leave a review. We indie authors live and die by our reviews.
Want more romance/suspense? Just check out the next section!
Other Works by Debra Burroughs
The Scent of Lies, A Paradise Valley Mystery: Book One
An engaging, fast-paced murder mystery with a sensual, but sweet romance. Think “Sex and the City” meets “Nancy Drew.”
Praise for The Scent of Lies…
“The Scent of Lies caught my attention on the first page and kept me engaged until the last. Main character, Emily Parker, is a likable, vulnerable, sassy, hotheaded, smart woman surrounded by loving friends. This cleverly crafted story takes the reader on an engaging romp through hidden clues, romance, crime and murder.”
~ Janis McNutt
Amazon Reviewer
“Debra Burroughs has once again had me addicted to my kindle. I love the characters in this book. They are so real and so likable you want them for your own. Each time I thought I knew who the killer was, there would be some kind of twist to make me question myself. I was rooting for Emily from the beginning. Can she solve this murder and really become the private investigator that she truly wants to be? She proves herself to all of those who doubt her.”
~ Yvonne Havens
Amazon Reviewer
To purchase or sample The Scent of Lies, simply click here.
The Heart of Lies, A Paradise Valley Mystery: Book Two
Online dating can be murder. The Heart of Lies is a captivating and suspenseful mystery with a healthy dose of real romance.
What people are saying about The Heart of Lies…
“I enjoyed every page of this book, The mystery draws you in but the relationship between Emily and Colin keeps you wanting more… I can’t wait to continue reading about these characters, and digging deeper into the mystery in Paradise Valley!!”
~ J Douglas
Amazon Reviewer
“This book has proven to be a five-star sequel to The Scent of Lies. Don’t let the author’s clean writing fool you, the passion and sexual tension between Private Investigator Emily and Detective Colin is delicious.”
~ jne2003
Amazon Reviewer
“I loved the characters and the intense story line. I am currently reading book 3. So far I love this author and will be reading more of her books. I can’t wait to find out the outcome of the mystery of Evan.”
~ Natalie Hardie
Amazon Reviewer
To purchase or sample The Heart of Lies, simply click here.
The Chain of Lies, A Paradise Valley Mystery: Book Three
A sensual and gripping story with murder, romance, mystery, and intrigue—think “Sex and the City” meets “Women’s Murder Club”.
Praise for The Chain of Lies…
“The book was great! I loved this book the best out of all three!! I sure hope you write another one so we can find out what happens to Collin and Emily and the others. You can’t leave us hanging. I love the characters in this book. You did such a wonderful job when you wrote these books, I felt like I was in the books. Thanks for being such a great writer. I couldn’t put the books down - some of them I read in one day!!”
~ Melinda Becker
Amazon Reviewer
“Psychological, mysterious, suspenseful and above all provocative and intriguing your mind. The mastery of the author is undeniable, style is enviable, narrative – awesome…”
~ Boyko Ovcharov
Amazon Reader
To purchase or sample The Chain of Lies, simply click here.
The Pursuit of Lies, A Paradise Valley Mystery: Book Four
A sassy, sexy small town private eye, Emily Parker’s world is flipped upside down when the man she loves is accused of murdering a female Assistant District Attorney, with whom the police believe he was having an affair. Emily must fight to prove him innocent, with the help of her friends, as she struggles against her own doubts.
Praise for The Pursuit of Lies…
“Wow, a real page turner! I had no idea in what direction it was going to go. The gang of Paradise Valley did it again. You will not be disappointed with yet again a thrilling book!
~ Jen Douglas
Amazon Reviewer
“Well written. Just the right amount of suspense and romance. Liked the characters, they each have unique personalities that combine to make a very unusual group of friends. Never a dull moment!”
~ Ali3698
Amazon Reviewer
“Each time Ms. Burroughs puts out a new book I can’t wait to download it. And once again the folks of Paradise Valley don’t disappoint. Since this is the fourth book, it’s almost like reading about people you know and can’t wait to catch up with. From the first page I was intrigued and caught up in the plot. I really enjoyed the entire book and was kept guessing till the end.”
~ Janet
Amazon Reader
To purchase or sample The Pursuit of Lies, simply click here.
The Color of Lies, A Paradise Valley Mystery: Short Story, Bridge between Books 4 and 5
This short story is a bridge between The Pursuit of Lies, Book 4, and The Betrayal of Lies, Book 5, in the Paradise Valley Mystery series. If you have been following along in the series, you have watched Emily and Colin fall in love and their relationship blossom. You will have also seen them fight crime together and on opposite sides of a case, him as the police detective and her as the private investigator. The Color of Lies is Colin’s story before he arrived in Paradise Valley.
Praise for The Color of Lies…
“This is a great short story! I loved it! It was finally nice to find out what really happened to Miranda. The book kept me on the edge of my seat. I
can’t wait for the next one!
~ Melinda Becker
Amazon Reviewer
“I couldn’t put the book down…I’ve grown attached to Emily and Colin and Paradise Valley. I really liked getting the background story on Colin, as he’s been a little bit of a mystery in the series, never really knowing the real him at all. You finally see the real him and learn more about his past. I can’t wait to see what the final chapter has in store for the gang.
~ JenDoug
Amazon Reviewer
To purchase or sample The Color of Lies, simply click here.
The Betrayal of Lies, A Paradise Valley Mystery: Book Five
Feisty private eye, Emily Parker, is finally moving forward in her relationship with the hunky police detective—that is, until a new friend suddenly goes missing. Suspicions are flying that one of Emily’s closest girlfriends may be involved. Emily and Detective Andrews are locked in a desperate race to solve the mystery of who abducted the woman and rescue her before someone winds up dead.
Praise for The Betrayal of Lies…
“Love, loved this book. Finished reading in 2 nights. Could not put it down. I have to read rest of series.”
~ PolishGirl
Amazon Reviewer
“Fabulous book! Waiting anxiously for the next in the series. This set is one that stays on my Kindle for rereading! Characters are well-developed, locations are believable, and the story has enough twists and turns to keep you guessing.”
~ Copperlisa
Amazon Reviewer
“Love it, love it, love it! Can’t get enough of Debra Burroughs. I have always loved mysteries and Debra delivers.”
~ Ann Cross
Amazon Reviewer